Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Pc Protect

Detection name is: APcProtect

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\apcprotect software\apcprotect\apcprotect.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Data Doctor 2010

Detection name is: DataDoctor2010

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\datadoctor 2010\fs.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Detection name is: GuardPcs

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\guardpcs software\guardpcs\guardpcs.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Detection name is: IGuardPC

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\iguardpc software\iguardpc\iguardpc.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Friday, December 11, 2009

Internet Security 2010

Detection name is: InternetSecurity2010

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\internetsecurity2010\is2010.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Detection name is: AntiTroy

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\antitroy software\antitroy\antitroy.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Friday, December 4, 2009


Detection name is: AntiKeep

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\antikeep software\antikeep\antikeep.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Detection name is: ReSpyware

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\respyware software\respyware\respyware.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Friday, November 27, 2009

Antivirus Doctor

Detection name is: AntivirusDoctor

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\antivirus doctor\antivirusdoctor.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Detection name is: SpyDajaba

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\spydajaba\sdjbmain.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Friday, November 20, 2009

Personal Protector

Detection name is: PersonalProtector

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\personal protector\personalprotector.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Secure Keeper

Detection name is: SecureKeeper

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\securekeeper software\securekeeper\securekeeper.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Site Villain

Detection name is: SiteVillain

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\sitevillain software\sitevillain\sitevillain.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Friday, November 13, 2009


Detection name is: AntiAid

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\antiaid software\antiaid\antiaid.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

EnterPrise Suite

Detection name is: EnterPriseSuite

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Documents and Settings\\application data\\.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

System Fighter

The free anti spyware trial of Spy Emergency Free Spyware Removal will detect and clean this.

Detection name is: SystemFighter

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\systemfighter software\systemfighter\systemfighter.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Friday, November 6, 2009

Win Defence

Detection name is: WinDefence

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

MaCatte Antivirus 2009

Detection name is: MaCatteAntivirus2009

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\msca\msc.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Block Keeper

Detection name is: BlockKeeper

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\blockkeeper software\blockkeeper\blockkeeper.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Detection name is: SoftStronghold

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\softstronghold software\softstronghold\softstronghold.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Friday, October 23, 2009

Soft Veteran

Detection name is: SoftVeteran

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\softveteran software\softveteran\softveteran.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Soft Cop

Detection name is: SoftCop

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\softcop software\softcop\softcop.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Friday, October 16, 2009

Active Security

Detection name is: ActiveSecurity

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\active security\active security.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Windows Enterprise Defender

Detection name is: WindowsEnterpriseDefender

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Documents and Settings\all users\application data\\\windowsedefender.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Trust Fighter

Detection name is: TrustFighter

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\trustfighter software\trustfighter\trustfighter.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Secure Warrior

Detection name is: SecureWarrior

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\securewarrior software\securewarrior\securewarrior.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results


Detection name is: TrustCop

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\trustcop software\trustcop\trustcop.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Secure Veteran

Detection name is: SecureVeteran

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\secureveteran software\secureveteran\secureveteran.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Security Soldier

Detection name is: SecuritySoldier

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\securitysoldier software\securitysoldier\securitysoldier.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Save Defender

Detection name is: SaveDefender

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\savedefender software\savedefender\savedefender.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Save Armor

Detection name is: SaveArmor

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\savearmor software\savearmor\savearmor.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Friday, September 18, 2009

Trust Warrior

Detection name is: TrustWarrior

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\trustwarrior software\trustwarrior\trustwarrior.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Friday, September 11, 2009

Safety Keeper

The free anti spyware trial of Spy Emergency Free Spyware Removal will detect and clean this.

Detection name is: SafetyKeeper

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\safety keeper software\safety keeper\safety keeper.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Personal Guard 2009

Detection name is: PersonalGuard2009

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
c:\documents and settings\all users\microsoft private data\microsoft\drivers\lan.dll

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Proof Defender 2009

Detection name is: ProofDefender2009

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
c:\program files\proof defender 2009\pdfndr.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Nortel Antivirus

Detection name is: NortelAntivirus

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\nol\wox.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Save Defense

Detection name is: SaveDefense

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
c:\program files\savedefense software\savedefense\savedefense.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Safety Center

Detection name is: SafetyCenter

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
c:\program files\safetycenter\protector.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Total Security 2009

Detection name is: TotalSecurity2009

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
c:\document and settings\all users\application data\13492814\13492814.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.


Detection name is: SaveKeep

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
c:\program files\savekeep software\savekeep\savekeep.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

PC AntiSpyware 2010

Detection name is: PCAntiSpyware2010

Basic symptoms for this malware are:

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Smart Protector

Detection name is: SmartProtector

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\smart protector\smartprotector.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Spyware Cleaner 2009

Detection name is: SpywareCleaner2009

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\spyware cleaner 2009\spywarecleaner.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Windows Antivirus Pro

Detection name is: WindowsAntivirusPro

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\windows antivirus pro\windows antivirus pro.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home Antivirus 2010

Detection name is: HomeAntivirus2010

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\homeantivirus2010\homeantivirus2010.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Friday, July 10, 2009

PC Security 2009

Detection name is: PCSecurity2009

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\pcsecurity2009\pcsecurity2009.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Security Central

Detection name is: SecurityCentral

Basic symptoms for this malware are:

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Friday, July 3, 2009

US Antivirus

Detection name is: USAntivirus

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\usantivirus\usantivirus.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Secret Service

Detection name is: SecretService

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\secret service\secvice.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Active Antivir

Detection name is: ActiveAntivir

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\active antivir 2009\active.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Detection name is: ContraViro

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\contraviro\contraviro.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

The free trial of Spy Emergency Spyware Remover will detect and clean this.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Virus Remover Professional

Detection name is: VirusRemoverProfessional

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Documents and Settings\*User*\application data\lastsun ltd\virus remover profesional\virusremover.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Personal Deluxe Protector

Detection name is: PersonalDeluxeProtector

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Documents and Settings\*User*\personal deluxe protector\pdeluxe.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.


Detection name is: TigerProtectorPlus

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\tiger protector plus\tiger protector plus.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Infections.

Wind Optimizer

Detection name is: WindOptimizer

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\wind optimizer\windoptimizer.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC Problems.

Barracuda Antivirus

Detection name is: BarracudaAntivirus

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\barracuda antivirus\antivirussystempro.exe

It is part of known family:
Spyware Protect 2009

Standard tactics:
Fake Infections.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Xp Deluxe Protector

Detection name is: XpDeluxeProtector

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\xpdeluxeprotector\xpdeluxe.exe

It is part of known family:
PC Defender

Standard tactics:
Fake Infections.


Detection name is: Unvirex

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\unvirex\unvirex.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake Infections.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Detection name is: Antivirus Doktor 2009

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\antivirus doktor 2009\antivirus doktor 2009.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake Infections.


Detection name is: Advanced Virus Remover

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program Files\advancedvirusremover\pavrm.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
System warning!
Continue working in unprotected mode is very dangerous.
Viruses can damage your confidential data and work on your computer. Click here to protect your computer.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Presto Tune Up

Detection name is: PrestoTuneUp

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Documents and Settings\all users\application data\*\prestotuneup.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake PC problems.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Fast Antivirus

Detection name is: FastAntivirus

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Documents and Settings\all users\application data\*\fastav.exe

It is part of known family:
Malware Catcher

Standard tactics:
Fake online scanner.

Crusader Antivirus

Detection name is: CrusaderAntivirus

Basic symptoms for this malware are:
C:\Program files\crusader antivirus\crusaderantivirus.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Malicious website installations.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Detection name is: Worm.Win32.Allaple

Basic symptoms for this malware are:

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Spreads by LAN.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Antivirus System 2009

Detection name is: AntivirusSystem2009

Basic symptoms for this rogue software are:
C:\Program Files\antivirussystem2009\antivirussystem2009.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake alerts.


Detection name is: MalwareCatcher

Basic symptoms for this rogue software are:
C:\Program Files\malwarecatcher\mcatcher.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake alerts.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Detection name is: PCenter

Basic symptoms for this rogue software are:
C:\Program Files\pcenter\agent.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake online flash player plugin.

Win Active Antivirus

The free trial of Spy Emergency Spyware Remover will detect and clean this.

Detection name is: WinActiveAntivirus

Basic symptoms for this rogue software are:
C:\Program Files\winactiveantivirus\winactiveantivirus.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake online scanner.

Antivir System Pro

Detection name is: AntivirSystemPro

Basic symptoms for this rogue software are:
C:\Program Files\antivir system pro\antivirsystempro.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake online scanner.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Antimalware Pro

Detection name is: AntimalwarePro

Basic symptoms for this rogue software are:
C:\Program Files\antimalware_pro\antimalware_pro.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake online scanner.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Coreguard Antivirus 2009

Detection name is: CoreguardAntivirus2009

Basic symptoms for this rogue software are:
C:\Program Files\coreguard antivirus 2009\coreguard 2009.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake online scanner.

Virus Shield

Detection name is: VirusShield

Basic symptoms for this rogue software are:
C:\Documents and settings\all users\application data\*\vshield.exe

It is part of known family:
Extra Antivirus

Standard tactics:
Fake online scanner.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Error Easy

Detection name is: ErrorEasy

Basic symptoms for this rogue software are:
C:\Program Files\ErrorEasy\erroreasy.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake registry problems.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Malware Cleaner

The free trial of Spy Emergency Trojan Removal Tool will detect and clean this.

Detection name is: MalwareCleaner

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\Grupxb\571613.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
Fake alerts:
Trojan detected!
Spyware alarm!
Privacy is at risk!

Top Antivirus

Detection name is: TopAntivirus

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\msan\wsgd.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
- Fake Detection

Advanced Spyware Detector

Detection name is: AdvancedSpywareDetector

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\Advansed Spyware Detector\asd.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
- Fake Detection

Monday, April 20, 2009

AV AntiSpyware

Detection name is: AVAntiSpyware

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\LastSun Ltd\AV AntiSpyware\ava.exe

It is part of known family:
MS AntiSpyware 2009

Standard tactics:
- shows alerts (Spyware Alert)


Detection name is: WiniBlueSoft

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\WiniBlueSoft Software\WiniBlueSoft\WiniBlueSoft.exe
- creates random file names

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
- shows alerts (Windows Security Alert/Infiltration Alert)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Home Antivirus 2009

Detection name is: HomeAntivirus2009

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\kupave.sys
- creates random file names
- replaces Windows security center

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

Antivirus 09

The free trial of Spy Emergency Trojan Removal Tool will detect and clean this.

Detection name is: Antivirus09

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\Antivirus 2009\av2009.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results

P Antispyware 09

Detection name is: PAntispyware09

Basic symptoms for this rogue anti-spyware software are:
C:\Program Files\P Antispyware 09\pas.exe

It is part of known family:

Standard tactics:
False advertising and fake scan results